Look at the image below and select the card you feel most drawn to to reveal your card reading for the day
The cards used today are Keepers Of The Light by Kyle Gray - available to buy here
Once you have picked your card - you can now read the meanings below.....
1. 'Brigid'
Inner Strength
Move back to wholeness. Recognise that you have the power.
Your spiritual fire is growing within. Recognise that the power of your soul is greater than you think. You have come a long way since you began this journey. You have the ability to create wonderful changes in your own life and inspire those around you to do the same.
2. 'Archangel Michael'
Trusting Heaven
You are safe. Angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur.
You angel team is with you now and you are not in this alone. You may be feeling sensitive or overwhelmed, but your angels are inviting you to take a step back so that they can come in and share their light of miracles.
We hope you enjoy your reading.
If you want to learn how to read oracle cards for yourself we have written a mini guide you can see here
The card deck used for this reading can be found here
The candle used in the imagery can be found here
The crystals used in the imagery can be found here
1 comment
Loved the card reading felt very low today through chronic arthritis Pain, it made me smile when I had st Michael. Xxx