Quite often we are asked "Are our crystals fake or real?" and we see a lot of false information on the internet regarding ways to test if a crystal is genuine, so we thought it would be a great idea to share some of the inside tips we use to ensure that we only supply authentic crystals from the very best ethical sources. We test all of our crystals using scientifically approved tests to ensure authenticity, which vary from Moh's hardness scale to conductivity tests. Below are some examples of commonly raised questions surrounding crystals.
Clear Quartz
Q. Is it glass or quartz? A common misconception about Clear Quartz is that it shouldn’t magnify writing or text. The myth is, that if your piece of Clear Quartz distorts or magnifies writing whilst holding it in front of it, it is a fake crystal and is actually glass. This is an inaccurate test - Clear Quartz (as well as a lot of other crystals that are transparent) will magnify and distort writing due to its concave shape or the curvature of the crystal - the light bends through the curve and changes what you see behind. Our Clear Quartz is tested using the Mohs scale, a scientifically recognised test of the hardness of minerals to ensure authenticity and this has an average score of 7, which is harder than glass (glass has a Mohs rating of between 5.5 and 7). To test this you can try to scratch glass with Clear Quartz - the Clear Quartz, if genuine, will leave a scratch on the glass. If it isn't genuine, it will not be able to scratch the glass.
Find your favourite Clear Quartz products here.

Q. My amber feels like a piece of plastic? One of the most commonly mistaken crystals for a fake is Amber, this is because it is formed from Resin which gives it a plastic-like feel and appearance. We test all of our Amber to ensure it is genuine by using the salt water test. Genuine Amber will float or be buoyant in salt water, whereas fakes will sink to the bottom
See our selection of Amber products.

Q How can I be sure that my Shungite is real? Shungite is another crystal that has identification issues and it's incredibly important to ensure that the crystal is genuine, to ensure maximum cleansing and EMF protection. The key test for Shungite is that it is a conductive crystal and this can be tested using a household electric multi meter that measures current. If the the crystal isn't really Shungite, it will not conduct electricity through it - if it is genuine, the multi meter will show the current passing through it
Q. My agate has colour rubbing off onto my fingers - is this real? Similar to Howlite, Natural Agate presents itself with a mix of cream, grey and black hues but you can find brightly coloured Agate in Green, Pink & Teal. These crystals have had an element of dye added to give them this appearance and align them with the chakras and the belief is that this enhances the metaphysical benefits of the original Agate crystal. So whilst not a fake crystal as such, all brightly coloured agate will have an element of dye enhancement
See our selection of Agate.

Q. My howlite has colour rubbing off onto my fingers - is this real? Howlite naturally presents itself as white in colour so any vibrant Purples, Blues or Reds you see have had dye added to create this effect and once again, align with the chakras. The crystal underneath retains the same properties, just with a brightly coloured exterior, so similar to coloured agate, it's not a fake crystal but has been enhanced with dye.
View our range of Howlite products.

Thanks for the blogs. I found them helpful, and they answered the questions I was asking myself about my Malachite, Amber, Citrine and Goldstone crystals especially. Now I understand more about the colouring process and that some crystals are heated or dyed but not man made. I feel reassured about the integrity of the Psychic Tree, and I do believe that all the tumblestones I have purchased, and will purchase from here in the future, are actually genuine, even if they have been enhanced or heated. They originally came from the Earth, they are beautiful, and that’s all that matters to me.
Thank you
Really appreciate this. Sometimes I just know when I hold a stone, but other times I’m not on it and I need the know how.
Glad you took the time and care to share this
Miss T.M Cassar
Brilliant information good to know very helpful!
i always thought shungite was just another name for coal but it never occured to me to test it with a multimeter which is something i am well aquanted with, when it came to crystals i thought they may respond to frequency generated by an external device such as a signal generator but its knowing if theres any kind of response as receiver devices are much more difficult to build unless you try experimentation
This article was really helpful and informative, thank you!
Helen Lynch
This is a great article on spotting fakes very useful information to know thank you Helen
Thankyou for this useful information.