This is a very popular reading, this involves an extreme detail using all the tools as well, as in tarot cards (Ryder Waite) psychic clairvoyance, astrology, numerology year and phases month by month. By the end of the year reading you will have a greater knowledge and depth on what this year holds for you and where your life is heading. I will also look at what to expect month by month, what to look out for, any red flags and anything you should prepare yourself for too. If you are currently going through a healing phase, bereavement, loss of anything, endings, I will be able to look at this year as a year of transitions to see when that phase ends, when new beginnings starts be it emotionally for you too as well as new starts in other areas. This reading is a favourite by many that just love to see what this year is for them and the journey they are on too. If you are asking about another person too, please let me have their first name and full date of birth too.
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