This series of spell packs have been created in collaboration with Rachel Patterson, The Kitchen Witch and contain everything you need to carry out the intention of the spell. Each pack has been carefully put together by Rachel, who's craft is a combination of old religion witchcraft, Wicca, kitchen witchery and folk magic. Rachel has also published a series of books which you can find on our website and in Rachels page.
If you are really serious about something and are happy to spend some time working the magic for it then building the spell up over a month of Moon phases can be very effective. This spell can be used for any intent.
The pack includes:
- Downloadable Spell Written By The Kitchen Witch
- Spell Candles (Purple, Green, Orange, Red & Blue)
- Crystal Tumblestones (Labradorite, Amethyst, Goldstone, Clear Quartz, Black Obsidian)
- Spell Candle Holder
The pack comes with a black velvet bag so you can keep all of your spell items safe.